Rosaria Ciriminna and Mario Pagliaro in the 2023 Stanford University world's top 2% scientists ranking

Stanford University 2023 top 2% scientist ranking12-Oct-2023 - Italy's Research Council researchers Rosaria Ciriminna and Mario Pagliaro are present in the 2023 World ranking list of scientists in all fields of science published on October 4th by by Ioannidis and co-workers.

The ranking is based on the composite score c, a standardized citation metrics for career-long impact introduced in 2019.

The 2023 ranking is updated to end of citation year 2022. Calculations were performed using all author profiles present in Elsevier's database Scopus as of October 1, 2023. Overall, the number of scientists present in the database (those publishing in all fields of science since year 1788) is 9,617,763. Out of this sample, the 2023 ranking includes 204,643 researchers along with their affiliation,  c-score, number of citations (self-citations excluded), h-index, hm-index and other parameters.

With a c-score of 3.3253, Dr Ciriminna was found in position 141,059, ranked 2461th among 161,171 organic chemists (Organic Chemistry, a subfield of Chemistry) as well as ranked amid 287,766 energy scholars present in the ranking in the energy research field (a subfield of Enabling and Strategic Technologies).

With a c-score of 3.8321, Dr Pagliaro was found in position 32,886, ranked 604th among 161,171 organic chemists, ranked also amid 287,766 energy scholars present in the ranking.

"We are deeply indebted to our former and current co-workers in Sicily and from across the world" said Dr Ciriminna and Dr Pagliaro learning the news. Based in Palermo, Sicily, at Italy's Research Council (the largest Italian national public research body which is about to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of its foundation on November 18, 1923), their Group's research in the fields of nanochemistry, catalysis, green chemistry, solar energy and bioeconomy is indeed developed in co-operation with leading researchers based in more than 20 countries.

"We are also very pleased by the fact that many of the leading scholars and friends with whom we long collaborate are present in the ranking" they added noting the presence of David Avnir, Babak Karimi, Rafael Luque, Carsten Bolm, Leonardo Palmisano, and Gadi Rothenberg.

Surprisingly, but in full agreement with the outcomes of the study"How self-determination of scholars outclasses shrinking public research lab budgets, supporting scientific production: a case study and R&D management implications", most CNR researchers included in the ranking work in Labs located in southern Italy, including Maria Laura Di Lorenzo (Naples) and Maria Carmela Di Piazza (Palermo).

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