Mario Pagliaro found amid Europe's top authors in the circular economy

Revista de Desenvolvimento Econômico18-Mar-2020 Mario Pagliaro has been found amid authors with highest number of papers in the field of the circular economy.

New research published by Brazilian scholars in the Revista de Desenvolvimento Econômico shows that top authors are:

Yong Geng (China, 19 papers)

Mari Lundstròm (Finland, 13 papers),

Mario Pagliaro (Italy, 10 papers)

Luca Fraccascia (Italy, 10 papers)

Remarkably for Italy, another Italian scholar, University of Rome's Professor Luca Fraccascia, features in the same ranking.

Mario Pagliaro is amid Italy's most cited scholars in nanotechnology, materials science and organic chemistry.

Chiefly developed in Sicily, in  co-operation with leading researchers based in over 20 countries, his Group's research is reported in close to 300 frequently cited research papers.

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