Mario Pagliaro joins the Editorial Advisory Board of ChemistryOpen

Cover of ChemistryOpen - issue 2/2015Weinheim, 7-Dec-2016 - Mario Pagliaro has been invited by ChemPubSoc Europe to join the Editorial Advisory Board of ChemistryOpen, starting January 1st 2017.

An open access general chemistry journal of high impact published by Wiley-VCH and ChemPubSoc Europe since 2011, ChemistryOpen in 2015 received an impact factor of 3.585. 

Dr Pagliaro has been proposed as a scientist who can distinguish high quality for the journal. The initial term of Dr Pagliaro's membership is four years (which may be extended to a further period of four years).

A group of 16 European chemical Societies, ChemPubSoc Europe was formed in the late 1990s for the purpose of publishing high-quality chemistry journals. Together with Wiley-VCH, they publish a number of high-quality titles including Chemistry – A European JournalChemSusChem, and of course ChemistryOpen.
"Joining the board of this prestigious scientific journal is another opportunity to reshape environmental, energy and innovation policies in Italy's largest region", comments Dr Pagliaro - the renowned chemistry and energy scholar based at Italy's CNR whose work is developed in co-operation with leading researchers based in 20 countries.

His research interests are in the broad areas of nanochemistry, solar energy and the bioeconomy. In 2008 he introduced the term "Helionomics" in ​the book Flexible Solar Cells. ​His Group's research achievements, include over 1​80 research papers, 20 books, several book chapters​ and ​green chemistry technologies used across the world.​ ​He has a prolonged interest also in sustainability and management topics. Between September and December 2015 he was president of Palermo's public energy utility.

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